Nokona Softball Gloves

Nokona softball gloves are high quality gloves, which is reflected in the high price. They are made from premium soft leather.

For occasional playing, you can get low priced gloves for about $50. If you want a high quality glove, expect to pay about $160-300 or more.

The Classic Walnut gloves with a softball pattern feature premium walnut tanned cowhide, which is soft and strong. Price is about $250.

The Buckaroo fastpitch softball models are lightweight gloves, made with a combination of kankaroo leather and cowhide. This combination of leather is strong and lightweight. The Velcro wrist strap closure provides a secure fit. Price is about $280.

The Buffalo Combo for fastpitch is made with a combination of buffalo and nokona's walnut leather. The glove is very durable and lightweight. Only some break in is necessary. Price is about $310.

The Catcher Mitts fastpitch models are shaped and reinforced with padding. The gloves can also be used at first base. Four different models are offered with a price range of about $260-400.

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